Happenings Around SRC
March, 2021
New Lighting
You may have noticed the beautiful new outdoor lighting at the indoor range parking lot. SRC would like to give a huge thank you to Steve Christian, our Indoor Range Chairman, and Ray Wilson, our Juniors Chairman for replacing those lights! Women’s Division is especially grateful, as they end their monthly meetings at 8:30 pm, and the lighting in the dark parking lot is highly appreciated!
These gentleman not only volunteered their time and expertise, but also the equipment needed to do the job. They replaced the outdoor lights at the indoor range parking lot, and also generously rebuilt 20 target carriers for the club!
Thank you so much, gentlemen! Next time you see them, be sure and thank them.
A New Division
At the March 2021 board meeting, the board voted to add another division to the Spokane Rifle Club: Bullseye Pistol.
The Bullseye Pistol competitors of the Spokane Rifle Club formally requested representation on the SRC Board of Trustees. The division chose Leon Hopkins as their division representative. This isn’t Mr. Hopkins first rodeo, as he has served on the board for many years in the past. Thank you, Mr. Hopkins!
Congrats to the Women’s Division on their 7th Anniversary!
The Women’s Divion is celebrating their 7th anniversary this year! Congratulations to The Well-Armed Women of SRC for your seven years of success.
Also, a congratulations to the men of SRC who have been patiently putting up with them that long. 😊 We appreciate you, too!
Pictured above are some of the original members of the Women’s Division who attended the very first meeting of the Well-Armed Women of SRC seven years ago.
Speaking of Women’s Division, you can check out their most recent newsletter at this link.
The Women’s Division meets the 2nd Friday of every month at 5:00 pm at the indoor range. If you have any questions about The Well Armed Women of Spokane Rifle Club, contact Danielle.
The Cast Bullet Divion Holds First Match of the Year
The Cast Bullet Divison had their first match of the year on March 6th! They had a great turn out despite the rain. The match was a success and a good time for all those who attended.
Wildlife At SRC
This great picture was recently taken on club property by SRC Range Officer, Don Ruger. This moose was hanging out at the bottom of the north entrance. You never know who (or what) you might find hanging around the club. Thank you, Mr. Don, for sharing this great picture with us.
If you joined SRC prior to 2020 and have not renewed your membership, please do so immediately. Members who joined before 2020 must renew by Jan 31. For those who joined in 2020, memberships are due in the month you joined.
It is imperative that you renew your membership from your own device BEFORE visiting the club. Also, you will need to take proof of 2021 dues payment (either a printed copy or an electronic copy) to show the on-duty RSO so they can print your 2021 membership badge. For member privacy and security, RSO’s do not have access to member profiles to verify payment, so you will not be able to get your new badge printed or use the club facilities until you show the RSO your receipt and have your 2021 badge printed.
Due to the relaxed COVID restrictions, members are now allowed to bring guests.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@spokanerifle.com.