
bullseye pistol division

let your skills speak

welcome to SRC
Bullseye Pistol Division

compete on fundamentals

Division Chairman

Leon Hopkins


SRC Bullseye Pistol Program

The Spokane Rifle Club bullseye pistol program sponsors one or more teams in the annual Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association winter league. Any Spokane Rifle Club member is eligible to join. Those new to bullseye pistol competition will be provided with appropriate instructions. The competition takes place on the indoor range using a 22LR pistol (semiautomatics are strongly preferred) using iron sights or optics.

The league consists of ten National Match Courses of fire which are composed of (a) ten shots of slow fire, (b) two five-shot strings of timed fire and (c) two five-shot strings of rapid fire. The targets for the league are provided as part of the entry fee. The bullseye pistol team fires on the indoor range on Monday evenings. We begin informal practice as soon as the indoor range is open in the Fall and generally distribute official league targets by the end of November. The first league targets are due in the first week of January, but it is permissible (and recommended) to fire targets ahead of the actual due date.

The competition is NRA-approved and will result in the competitor earning an NRA competitive classification.

The entry fee of $16 includes a $10 credit toward the end-of-season team dinner.

If you have questions or if you would like to join us, please reach out to the Division Chairman (contact info above). You can also come by on a Monday evening between October and March and talk to the indoor range on-duty, volunteer Range Safety Officer to get more information.

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