Year’s end is approaching faster than most of us wish. This past November the Spokane Falls Muzzle Loaders had our annual Turkey Shoot. We had five pistoleros on the line and another twenty three shooting rifles. We had enough turkey breasts for everyone to take home a bird.
December brought out our annual Christmas Raffle as well as our annual Blanket Party. There were many excellent beautifully crafted items for the raffle as well as a nice pistol and rifle kit, knives, etc. I was most jealous of the cleaning jags machined by Charlie Stemple. On the day there were nine pistol shooters and twenty one rifles. Seemed a little lower in numbers reflecting the loss of friends through death and illness. At the same time we have picked up a few new members, some of whom are proving to be worthy competition to old timers.
Wishing you all a safe and prosperous New Year,