Spokane Falls Muzzle Loaders August 2019 Shoot

Here we are well into Summer and still enjoying cooler and wetter than normal conditions. Jim and Wes Carpenter put on a fine shoot for the Spokane Falls Muzzle Loaders. For starters the shotgunners had six members chasing clay in damp conditions with muzzle loaders which makes it nice to have a roof over your head while loading. Seven pistoleros followed up the days events and Bob Tarkington showed everybody what a 99 looks like, good shooting Bob, I’ve never seen a 99 before. Rifle shooters came next, aggregate was cross sticks. We broke for a fine lunch of cold cuts/cheese. During lunch we shot the second musket match at fifty yards from a “field” position of shooter’s choice, most shot from sitting at an eight inch bull. After the musket match we finished up with two fun targets shot from the field standing at fairly close range. It was a fine day and fun was had by all.
I want to bring up that three of our members went to a Territorial match in Grants Pass. These matches are put on by the NMLRA (National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association) which we are members of, this outfit puts out a magazine called Muzzle Blasts. Two of our guys shooting at the Territorial will most likely make it into the top ten highest scoring shooters this year, they have good reason to be proud of their shooting. Way to go Mike Evock and Dan Carroll.
That’s about all I’ve got for this month, September will be on us real fast and before we know it hunting season. I want to wish everyone good luck this coming season, stay safe and keep your powder dry.

Dick Lewis, Chairman

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